Friday, March 4, 2016

Two Surgeries in One Week

Hudson and Steel both needed surgery on two totally different things.  Steel needed eye surgery and Hudson needed to get his tonsils and adenoids removed as well as get tubes put in his ears.  Somehow the timing of the two surgeries landed close together.  So close they were in the same week!!!  Jaafe leaves every week to go up north for work for 2-3 days depending on the week.  I thought it would be a good idea to schedule the both boys' surgeries in the same week so he would only have to skip going up north for one week.  Not the best idea I have ever had but it worked out.  For the most part...

Steel is up first.  So Steel has been wearing a patch over his "good" eye for the last few months to strengthen his vision in his less good eye. ;) The second part of the treatment to help his eye was to operate on the teeny tiny muscle that we have in the whites of our eyes. On February 16th, Jaafe and I took Steel to Phoenix Children's surgery center at 6a which was delightful in itself.  Long story short, Steel did great, me not so well.  The surgery only took about 25 minutes so we waited in the waiting room.  When they took us back to see Steel he was asleep.  The nurse let him sleep while she gave us instructions on how to care for his eye.  UGH!!.  Then she woke him up!  I took one look at his eye and started to feel a little queezy.  I turned sheet white and had to lay down ON THE RECOVERY ROOM floor.  Mom award over here!  It took me about 10 minutes to pull my $hit together and THEN they made me leave in a wheelchair.  Apparently I was not prepared for the way his eye would look coming out of surgery.  Looking back, I'm not sure what I was expecting though.  So fair warning....prepare yourself.  Agh!

The good news is the surgery worked!!  Steel's eye is straight and his vision is equal in both eyes right now. ;)  

 And they made him wear purple jams...he was not a happy camper!

 First pictures at home after surgery 2.16.16

 Next day 2.17.16

 Two days after surgery 2.18.16
 Check up following week.  My reputation proceeded me though...the doctor had heard of my incident and laughed.  Nice!  2.24.16

NEXT UP - Hudson Roper

Hudson has had strep and ear infections so many times over the last couple years the ENT thought it was time to remove his tonsils and adenoids as well as put tubes in his ears.  I was initially dreading this surgery much more than Steel's eye surgery.  I had just heard so many people tell me how painful it is and I was so sad for Hudson.  On February 19th Jaafe and I both took Hudson to the surgery center at 6:15a.  Clearly I was not capable of taking my child to a surgery by myself!  ;)))  Hudson had a really hard time waking up from surgery.  The recovery nurse asked me to climb in bed with Hudson to calm him a little while he was coming out of the anesthesia.  That was really sad.  After that, Hudson was eating macaroni by that evening!  Sheesh!  And I didn't even have to lay on the floor of the hospital for this one!  #progress

Hudson doesn't snore anymore and we can already hear him speaking more clearly from the tubes in his ears!!  So happy all of this is over!!  For now....until the next adventure pops up!  

Jaafe on his phone as usual.  Had to capture it. ;)
 Waiting for surgery. ;)

 The ride home was smooth...he slept the whole way.  We stopped and got his prescriptins filled and not a peep!

 Still tired and falling asleep in random places on day 4.  2.22.16

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