Saturday, December 3, 2016

These Silly Kids!

Kayla took the kids to her house one evening to watch a movie while Jaafe and I went out.  She sent me this picture saying Hudson and Jaaten were definitely related both laying this weird way while they were laying on the pallet Kayla made them.  Ha!  Funny!
Steel puts his Dad's boots on like this a lot lately.  Kinda funny....kinda gross. ;)  11.19.16
 We put a tree in our room this year.  I have not done that since the boys showed up.  Maybe it is getting easier?!?  11.20.16
 Jaaten started Running Club...and it she has to be at the school at 7:30a on Mondays and Wednesdays to run.  Perfect timing now that is COLD in the mornings.  Agh!  These earmuffs helped though.  And she loves them!  11.23.16

This is Jaaten's cute class the last day of school before Thanksgiving break.  Jaaten has the BEST teacher!!  She brought them apple and pumpkin pie to eat while they watched The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.  And she sends pictures. ;)  11.23.16

 SnapChat!  This is Hudson believe it or not!  11.24.16
 And then there is PICKIEST eater by far....eating a bagel with cream cheese....with Lucky Charms on top....for Thanksgiving Dinner!  LOL  11.24.16 
 Jaaten showed me her Christmas Wish List on is very specific.  That "white puppy" has made her list for three years now.  This year she added the word "real" though.  Agh!  I guess she is tired of the white robot dogs!  11.24.16
 Jaafe took the boys on their first overnight camping trip.  Jaafe's partner Colby, was taking his boys hunting so Jaafe met up with them the day after Thanksgiving.  I was pretty worried.....but the boys had so much fun!  11.25.16

 Jaaten got to bake while the boys were gone.  Our sweet sitter Kayla helped Jaaten and her friend, Adelynn, bake sugar cookie and then frost them.  Heaven for these girls!  Thanks Kayla!  xoxo  11.25.16

Jaaten went to a pottery place, As You Wish, to make her brothers' Xmas presents.  She's so awesome!  11.26.16

 These are cute pictures Kayla took of the boys while Jaaten was at school.  Love them!  11.21.16

 The tooth that hung by a thread has finally fell out.  You have no idea how thankful I am for that!!  12.1.16


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