Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday, Hudson & Steel!! XOXO

One year ago TODAY these two very different, cute, sweet baby boys joined our family.  ;)  Jaafe and I were remembering what we were experiencing this time last year.  Although we were excited to meet the boys, the anticipation and then the complications that followed stressed our family and our hearts. ;)  Today we are appreciating that tough time is behind us and all of our babies are healthy.  ;)

We had a mini celebration last night.  Jaafe is out-of-town today for work so we celebrated a little early.  Jaaten had a little trouble understanding we were celebrating the boys' birthday and not hers.  She kept unwrapping as I was wrapping.  ;)
 Jaaten really wanted to "help" her brothers unwrap!
 Hudson & Steel
 Steel & Hudson
 The boys were not sure what to make of the cupcake.  Steel ended up tearing his apart but Hudson just grinned at his. ;)
 Hudson - He is my smiler of the group!!
 Dad brought Jaaten a caramel apple and she was silent for a short time.  I think she was assessing how excited she should be about an apple.  ;)  Before she saw the apple she must have asked for a cupcake 10 times!  Once she TASTED the apple she was silent again until it was gone!  I think she liked it.
 I took these pictures this morning so I would have a picture of them on their actual birthday.  Happy Birthday, Baby Boys!!  We love you.  ;)
 This is Week 3 for Jaaten at preschool and she loves it!!  I have to wait until right before we leave for school to tell her we are going to school.  Otherwise Jaaten is like a broken record until we physically walk out the door.  "I want to go to school, Mom."  'Let's go to school, Mom."  "It's time to go to school, Mom."  I'm haven't decided if she really likes school or really likes being away from her brothers!!

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