Saturday, August 20, 2016

Eyes, Grandma, Cousins & Weddings

The boys LOVE their cousin River!  3.16.16
Steel had a follow up appointment with the eye doctor that did his surgery.  Great news is the surgery took and Steel's eye is "listening" to his brain.  Bad news is, the doctor knew I had almost passed out when I saw Steel in recovery.  LOL.  I'll take it. ;)  3.30.16

 Jaafe took the boys to visit Grandma Lamb.  And they even smiled for a picture!  They must have really liked it over there! Maybe she can be in all their pictures!  3.31.16
 Cousins visiting AZ is always the best!  We went to the boys' school carnival and of course they loved it. ;) 4.8.16

We have yet MORE birds to join the chickens!  These are better for me. ;) 4.9.16
 Loves her TV shows...INTO it! 4.10.16
 Steel at the dentist...he is always so good for him.  4.14.16
 That may or may not have something to do with the treasure box that follows. ;)
 This NEVER gets old to me!  Will I always have two boys that pee outside???  Agh! 4.14.16
The kids and I went to this super cute wedding reception for a dear friend of ours daughter, Courtney.  Courtney used to watch the kids and they absolutely love her!  Jaaten wanted her dress, the boys loved the donuts and wanted to SWIM and they had games to keep the kids busy.  It was the BEST! 4.16.16

 Career day...and she wants to be a cheerleader.  I'm in trouble!  LOL!  4.18.16
 AZ weather is awesome in April....we ride down the street to feed the horses every evening. 4.23.16

 Dad & Steel 4.24.16
 Steel loves the big wheel his Grammie found for him. ;) 4.27.16
 It's crazy hair day people!  4.29.16

 And then we lost another tooth! 4.30.16

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